Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0104 - Šauksmininkas Vocative Case



Hey, hey, hey!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud!  We’ve got some great stuff for you today including an awesome installment of Agnė iš Vilniaus.  But before we get to it… I forgot to mention on the last episode that we now have free pdf files for every episode of Lithuanian Out Loud on our blogpage.  A pdf file is simply a downloadable print version of our programs.  You can go to the page and download them or get them automatically using iTunes.  If you don’t have iTunes on your computer you should get it, it’s completely free. One our listeners is Jim from Delaware.  Jim has created a chat room using Skype and it’s called "Learning to speak Lithuanian for English speakers.”  From what I understand this is a tool that beginner, intermediate and advanced speakers can use to practice Lithuanian.  Jim is inviting native speakers to join the chat room if they like.  We’ll post the web address of Jim’s chat room on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage.  Good luck with your project, Jim! Today we