Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0109 - Valgau Bananus I Eat Bananas



Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud, a lot of flavor, zero calories.  Before we start today’s episode, just wanted to mention a couple of things.  As of this recording the Lithuanian basketball team has won four games at the Beijing Olympics and lost none.  Could this be the Olympic Games where they win the gold medal?  I’m rooting for Lithuania!  Valio, valio, valio!  Now, here’s another Agnė iš Vilniaus contribution.  Agnė says every Lithuanian aged three and older knows this song by heart.  I looked for this song on Youtube and added links on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage so you can see the song with a video.  Click on the links, I think you’ll enjoy them.  Of course, if you want to see the lyrics to the song, you can read them on the show notes on the blogpage or you can get them off the episode pdf.     Labai ačiū, Agne!  You’ve created another fantastic contribution!  You’re super!   Du gaideliai  (two little roosters)   Du gaideliai, du gaideliai, Baltus žirnius kūlė. Dvi