Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0111 - Jis Valgo Bulves He Eats Potatoes



Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to the Wikipedia page, List of Lithuanian Gods; Teliavelis was a powerful smith who made the sun and threw it into the sky. This myth survived in folk tales up to the beginning of 20th century. In the last few episodes we learned how to use the accusative plural and genitive plural in conjunction with a transitive verb – valgyti – to eat.  But, we only did masculine nouns. Today we’ll use some feminine nouns.  Feminine nouns are declined in the plural accusative like this: words that end in –a change to –as words that end in –ė change to –es now let’s go over some examples… a carrot           morka carrots                             morkos I am eating a carrot           aš valgau morką I eat the carrots                 aš valgau morkas I am not eating a carrot       aš nevalgau morkos I am not eating the carrots   aš nevalgau morkų a sausage