Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0115 - Moteris Duktė Sesuo Mother Daughter Sister



Hi there!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud!  Before we start today’s episode, Agnė iš Vilniaus has something special for us. Agnė reminded me that in Lithuanian Out Loud episode 51 a song jumped from the lips of Margarita.  This song is "Lietuva", and the music was writen by Galina Savinienė.  The words were written by Justinas Marcinkevičius a well-known Lithuanian poet.  Agnė says this song is usually sung in Lithuanian Song Festivals. Thanks Agnė for this fabulous recording!  Spectacular!  How about a round of applause for Agnė?  Woohoo!  One last thing before we get going.  A listener named Jim is inviting listeners to join his Lithuanian practice chat room on Skype at captainjim04.  We’ll post his Skype name on this episode’s blog page entry.  Now, on with today’s episode!  Take it away, Agnė! Tai gražiai, gražiai mane augino So beautifully, beautifully I was raised by laukas, pieva, kelias, upė,              a field, a meadow, a road, a river, tai gražiai už rankos vedė