Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0122 - Simtas Dvi Taures 102 Glasses



Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in the new month of October which in Lithuanian is spalis.  In Latin octo means eight.  In the old Roman calendar October was the eighth month.  In Lithuanian this month is spalis, named after spaliai – flax.  In the month of spalis, flax is harvested. According to the free encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Aušrinė is the Morning Star, a feminine deity in the old Lithuanian religion. Some experts reconstruct her as the goddess of beauty, youth and health, and the queen of all stars. Aušrinė's sisters are other stars: Vakarinė, the evening Venus, who makes the bed for Saulė, Indraja - Jupiter, Sėlija - Saturn, Žiezdrė - Mars and Vaivora - Mercury. pradėkime, let’s get started With this episode we’ll continue working on combining numbers with nouns.  Any number that ends in number two through nine causes the noun to become plural.  The exceptions to this are the numbers 12-19.  We’ll