Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0123 - Trys Simtai Dvylika Picu 312 Pizzas



Hi there, I’m Raminta and I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in the month of October which in Lithuanian is spalis. The Lithuanian state flag is different from the national flag of yellow, green and red.  The state flag has the national symbol of the Vytis on a red background.  It’s a beautiful flag and it has a longer history than the tricolor but it was not chosen as the national flag mainly because it would have been difficult to recreate the design. pradėkime, let’s get started Previously we worked on numbers that end in one, numbers that end in zero, and numbers that end in two through nine.  Numbers 11 through 19 or numbers that end in 11 through 19 are similar to numbers that end in zero.  Numbers that end in 11 through 19 use the plural genitive.  prašom pakartoti, please repeat… 11 sisters                 vienuolika seserų 12 daughters               dvylika dukterų 13 uncles                    trylika dėdžių 14 horses