Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0127 - Simtas Vienas Litas 101 Litas



Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. In a previous episode we went over the Lithuanian ten litas or dešimt litų banknote.  The twenty litas or dvidešimt litų bill is decorated with the portrait of Jonas Mačiulis who lived from 1862 to 1932.  Jonas Mačiulis urged the Lithuanian people to fight against Russification policies and to fight against the occupation of Lithuania by Imperial Russia.  The reverse side of the bill features the Vytautas the Great War Museum in Kaunas. pradėkime, let’s get started Today we’re going to mix all the different endings of numbers in one big review episode using just one noun.  The currency of Lithuania – litas. Litas is the monetary unit of Lithuania.  Ready for a challenge?  Here we go. sėkmės! good luck! one vienas litas                        two du litai                              three trys litai                            four keturi litai                         five penki litai