Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0129 - Exam 34



Trisdešimt ketvirtas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš!   to lack                            trūkti missing, lacking                   trūkstamas we also miss Lithuania very much   mums taip pat labai trūksta Lietuvos we also lack a car                mums taip pat trūksta mašinos we also lack a ticket            mums taip pat trūksta bilieto though, although                nors often                           dažnai to associate with, to keep company    bendrauti we keep company over the phone      bendraujame telefonu we keep company through the internet bendraujame internetu besides, in addition            be to sufficient                        pakankamas to want                           norėti to see                           matyti to hug                            apkabinti to cuddle, to snuggle             priglaus