Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0135 - Exam 37



Exam 37 Trisdešimt septintas egzaminas. This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! daughter                                                     duktė / dukra in Lithuania                                                Lietuvoje I have a wife                                              aš turiu žmoną I have a question                                         aš turiu klausimą do you have a car? (tu)                                ar tu turi automobilį? do you have a passport? (tu)                         ar tu turi pasą? he has a problem                                          jis turi problemą he has a female friend                                   jis turi draugę she has a male friend                                    ji turi draugą she has a husband                                         ji turi vyrą we have an idea!