Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0137 - Flashcards People



Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  For this episode we’re going to do something a little bit different.  This is a flashcard episode.  To use this episode you have to download the accompanying pdf file and open it.  Then just follow along with the audio. The pdf file has four pages.  On the first two pages we give you the English and the Lithuanian text along with an image from the public domain clip art collection at WP Clipart.  Thank you WP Clipart! The third and fourth pages of our pdf file have English only.  So, if you print the pdf file onto heavy paper or card stock you can cut them out and create hand-held flashcards.  You can study by yourself or with a friend.  This is the first of many flashcard episodes we have planned.  Here we go, enjoy! Photograph: "old man and old woman, traditional Lithuanian dance" Photographer: ignas kukenys from Vilnius, Lithuania (wikipedia) grandfather senelis grandmother senelė child vaikas father and son tėvas ir sūnus woman moteris man v