Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0170 - Ingrida; Protas Protas Ingrida; Intellect Intellect



Hi there, I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.   Today we’ll continue with the interviews Raminta made at a Lithuanian party with Ingrida.  This will be part three.  The last episode with Ingrida, part IV, will probably be our next podcast.  In the background you can hear lots of frogs in a nearby pond, music and people talking.  In this interview Raminta is asking Ingrida another question.  Keep in mind Ingrida has no idea what Raminta is going to ask her.    As I record this introduction, Raminta is in Istanbul, Turkey.  Raminta and I recorded this episode quickly just before she left.  Now, on with Ingrida’s thoughts.  Enjoy!   ---   Kokie tau yra trys svarbiausi kriterijai vyre, kurie turėtų būti? Ar charakterio savybės, ar... Na pirmiausia tai vėlgi aš pasakyčiau yra protas. Protas? Protas, protas ir dar kartą protas.  Ir viskas tame pasakyta.  Vyras turi būti protingas.  Jis bus protingas, jis bus mielas, jis bus išradingas, ji