Age Of Jeremy

E33 | Tribes Part 11: Becoming A Leader



S2E11 | Becoming a Leader! You are building a Tribe across your Social Media, Website, YouTube, and Podcast. People look up to you, and you are becoming their leader. So how do you becoming a good leader. Well, there are some great concepts in the books The Extraordinary Leader and How To Be Exceptional. I suggest you pick them up. They talk about the competencies of a great leader and what to do to improve. Here are the competencies: Displays High Integrity and Honesty. Technical/Professional Expertise. Solves Problems and Analyzes Issues Innovates Practice Self Development Drives for Results Establish Stretch Goals Takes Initiative Communicates Powerfully and Prolificaly Inspires/Motivates others to High Performance Builds Relationships Develops Others Collaboration and Teamwork Develops Strategic Perspective Champions Change Connects the group to the outside world. So, how do you become a great leader? Press Play to find out! Join our Tribe At: