Simpleflight Radio

Back Seat Pilot, July 5th, 2015



Have you ever been flying with a pilot buddy and he/she decides to make a suggestion on how you could be doing a better job?  Maybe something as simple as changing the MFD moving map from North Up to Track Up?  Or using Comm 1 and Comm 2 in a different way then you're used to.  Most times it doesn't feel too good, but sometimes it can save your life.  Indeed its a fine line.  When do you cross that line and when do you button that lip of yours and enjoy the ride?  These are the questions Marc and Al discuss in tonight'sepisode.  What do you think?  Let us know how you determine whether to pipe up or shut up.How dependent are you on your tablet?  Al has always been a big iPad user, and running out of battery in flight has been a constant worry.  Well no more.  He learned about moving to his iPhone for his inflight navigation, using less battery, less cockpit real estate, while increasing his outside visibility.  Take a listen and hear how he made the transition.They guys also talked about pilot excursions to s