Simpleflight Radio

Magic Aviation Moments, November 15th, 2015



When you are flying, how often do you say (or think), "I love to fly".  Probably a lot... and you are not alone.  But how many times do you experience an aviation moment that is so memorable and so unique that it makes you realize how special flying is, and how sad that so few people ever experience those special moments.  Well it happened to Marc last Sunday, as he flew back from dinner with his son in BMI.  With a crisp nighttime air, unlimited visibilities, smooth as glass ride conditions, and a darkened cockpit, Marc experienced and shared with all of us, a almost life changing moment.  Realizing what was happening, Marc paused and took the time to internalize and appreciate how special it was.  It seems like we let those moments slip from our memories.  They are too precious to let them go.  What about you?  We'd love to hear about your special aviation moments.     Marc also covered some of the aviation holiday gift choices out there, including the new LightSpeed Tango Headset.  ANR and Wireless, it has