Simpleflight Radio

Go / No Go Part Deux, December 13, 2015



Back in August, We discussed the Go / No Go decision, with a focus on a perfectly good airplane, which exhibited some anomalies with its annunciator lights.  The manufacturer and A&P said it was working as intended, but Marc knew differently.  Today, Marc brings up the same Go / No Go decision, but with respect to the pilots capabilities and the environment around him or her.  Does the decision come down to legalities, safety, intelligence, personal minimums, or maybe a more objective criteria concerning having "outs".  The discussion is not as cut and dried as one might think.  Take a listen and let us know what you think.  You can write Marc at Marc also spent some time going over current events.  Congrats to Honda for its certification of the HondaJet.  Other items that may interest you include a manned drone like aircraft, or the fact that the government is looking for someone that can help them take safe control of someone else's drone and earn a cool $100K for their efforts.  And one wa