Simpleflight Radio

ATC - Your Awesome Co-Pilot, October 23, 2016



When a flight goes south (and I'm not talking directionally), a pilot's mind starts to race, stress levels increase, and decision making is impaired.  This is why a simple malfunction often times turns into a major tragedy.  Knowing your emergency procedures can improve the odds significantly.  But knowing how to call for help can provide a pilot a clear thinking and competent resource. That call for help needs to go no further than your Push To Talk button.  ATC is well known for their "saves" and each year a subset of those saves is nominated for the Archie League Award.  A small team reads and discusses every nomination and ends up awarding the controller(s) who provided what some would call "above and beyond" assistance to a pilot.  Those controllers state they were merely doing their job.  Tonight Marc takes a look (and listen) of some of the 2016 winners.  The situations are different, but the controllers all share the same traits.  We know you will enjoy the show! Blue Skies and Tailwinds!