Simpleflight Radio

One Size Does Not Fit All, April 2, 2017



If you have any friends that don't understand the concept of hangar flying, have them listen to tonight's show.  Marc invited back new Chicago pilot, Rhonda Khabir, and dialed in our long time friend, Tim Rylko from his LA home to talk about multiple news stories circulating in the GA community.  ​What started out as a conversation about the push from AOPA to downgrade Cincinnati from Bravo airspace to Charlie.  Why you may ask, well  you'll have to listen, but it starts with the fact that KCVG no longer meets the criteria for designating an airspace as Bravo.  It's unchartered ground, and perfect for a discussion.  From there, the trio talked about ATC privatization, Contract vs. Federal towers, exorbitant fees charged by FBO's and how an air carrier pilot shakes off the rust after a 30 day leave from Part 121 flying. ​We hope you enjoy listening as much as we love talking to others who share our passion for aviation.  Let us know what you think! ​ ​​​BLUE SKIES and TAILWINDS!!!