Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

009: How to Capture Stunning Food Photos with Elena Szeliga



Elena is a food blogger who has hosted local food photography and styling workshops. To be able to share her passion with a larger audience, she created an online course. The course is meant for both beginner and advanced photographers who struggle to find their style. Elena shares some teasers from her course with us, like: how to find your own personal style, how to dress up ugly food and how to apply color theory to your food photos. Her course covers the following topics: camera gear, settings, natural light, props, composition and styling. There are demos that show exactly how to use the settings on your camera, how to manipulate natural light, how to select and place props in order to get the look and feel you are aiming for. Launching a digital product is a good way to diversify blogging income. If you see a need for a specific resource food bloggers are wanting, fill the gap! Elena is offering a KILLER discount to Eat Blog Talk listeners. Don't miss out on a 70% discount, as well as an affiliate progr