Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

012: The Power of Planning and Scheduling with Alida Ryder



Alida is one of two creative and brilliant forces behind the popular food blog Simply Delicious. She has figured out a way to plan content six months in advance. This have given her freedom in her personal life and it is has helped her put a system in place that allows her to get content up on the blog 7 days/week (yes, you read that right!). Listen to this incredible chat where we talk about all of the planning and scheduling secrets that will open up a TON of time for food bloggers. Here are few teasers: - Start out small, if needed, but work toward saving up a "bank" of content. - Use scheduling tools and online calendars to plan ahead and stay on track. - Push yourself to create more, but allow space for grace when you don't quite live up to what your calendar asks of you. - Set goals and work backwards, figuring out the smaller steps you'll need to accomplish to get to those goals.