Do It With Dan

Adults Deserve to Play More | Sarah Stein Greenberg



Becoming more mindful and training our subconscious to work for us is vital to successfully achieving our goals, but what are some practical exercises that we can do to in order to do so? What if there were some games that we can play as adults, that will reveal to us our inner most creativity? Well there are! And we will delve into some of those with today’s guest: Sarah Stein Greenberg. Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Whether you want to manifest more wealth, emotional abundance or love in your life; this is the podcast for you. For over a decade, Executive Director Sarah Stein Greenberg has helped lead the, an interdisciplinary institute at Stanford that nurtures creative thinkers and doers and helps spread the methods of design. Today the reaches undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty at universities a