Police Academy Podcast

Letter From a Rookie Cop in 2021



What are cops thinking out there in the crazy world of social justice and COVID 19? This letter from a 23-year-old female rookie cop has some insights. Discounted merch can be found here: https://www.policeacademypodcast.com/gsfUse PROMO “ 2022 “ for 22% off by Jan 22nd, 2022Members always get discounts. Go to Patreon.com to learn more!Thanks for listening! If you want to support us in our mission to bring truth to the masses, to support our police but also our communities across the nation who are hurting, please find us, Police Academy Podcast, on Patreon and become a member for as little as $1 a week. If you’d like to support Police Academy, there are 5 ways you can do so:Become a member at patreon.com/policeacademypodcast! All the cool kids are doin’ it!Subscribe to the podcast and YouTube channel.Rate and review the show by searching it on iTunes and clicking the reviews tab.Share with friends and family through social media and everyday conversation.Donate: This is a full-time job so any financial