Being A Whole Person

Mini-sode: My Magic Monday / You Can Restart Anytime



I share how it felt to return to one of my favorite creative rituals, Magic Monday (which I talked about more in E32), and how it affected me this week, along with some encouragement for restarting a nourishing habit or ritual that you've lost touch with. You're always allowed to restart however it feels right, and you may be surprised at good it feels!  Do you have some kind of ritual, practice, habit that you want to return to?  Let me know! Email me ( or find me on Instagram (@rebecca_hass) to share - I always love hearing from you! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Rise Above the Overwhelm 1-time creative coaching sessions are sliding scale for the rest of January! 1 laser-focused 75-minute session + 1 week of email support following + Post-session notes with your personalized action plan Perfect for zeroing in on what’s been keeping you stuck and getting action steps organized on that project you keep trying to get off the ground, so you can build momentum to move it forward! Sliding scale from