Chats With Susan Burrell

LOVE. The Big Enchilada!



Ep #169 - In this Episode of Empowering Chats I welcome author and heart-centered success coach, Diane Haworth.  Diane had a life-changing experience in May of 2018 that she responded to with her whole heart.  This experience transformed her life and granted her a knowing of the BE Love Principles that she teaches to her clients and that she lives by. What Diane always knew but had to re-discover is that the answer to our perceived problems cannot be found in our mind, we must always go inside to our loving heart for the answers. What dropped into Diane’s heart in 2018 was the question, “Love, what do you most want me to know today?” And what appeared was what Diane called a “Divine Download.” We have a lively discussion about how to greet everyone with an open heart, without an agenda, and how the wisdom of your heart can guide you during these challenging times.  Although her professional life spanned 30+ years in the marketing field, Diane has always been intrigued with holistic healing including energy