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Erik Wahl: On Art, Money, Creativity and Power



Guest: Erik Wahl is a tech-executive turned renowned artist, speaker, author and entrepreneur.He is internationally recognized as a thought-provoking graffiti artist and one of the most sought-after presenters on the corporate keynote circuit, where he travels the world opening people's minds with a blend of cinematic stage theatrics, high-speed live-painting and deep wisdom. His latest book is The Spark and the Grind: Ignite the Power of Disciplined CreativityStory: Erik lost everything when the early dot-com bubble burst, then turned to art as a form of healing, expression and a new way to share ideas, with a focus on street art and graffiti. He then taught himself how to paint large-scale street art style images at high-speed and transformed the process into riveting live shows with a powerful message.Big idea: Redefining what it means to be a successful artist.You'd never guess: Why he competed in the world series of poker to enhance creativity and experiential learning, and how he uses game theory as a w