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Agapi Stassinopoulos: In the Presence of Love.



Guest: When Agapi Stassinopoulos walks into a room, you know you're in the presence of love. Her name, in fact, translates to "love." She is a sought-after speaker, teacher and a best-selling author of multiple books, the latest being Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life.Story: Training at the Royal Academy of London, Agapi wanted to build a career in performing arts. But it seems the universe conspired to create a different path. Struggling to find her way on the stage and screen, she changed direction and instead pursued a Masters in psychology, seeking to inspire and elevate people not by taking on the persona of other characters, but by taking the stage as herself and sharing her own, very personal stories, ideas and wisdom.Big idea(s): If you’re stuck and you can’t seem to break out of it, help someone else get what they need and you’ll automatically be empowered.You’d never guess: How spontaneously performing Joan of Arc to a stranger on