Good Life Project || Inspiration | Motivation | Happiness | Meaning | Success

Adam Gazzaley | Neuroscience, Psychedelics & Attention



How does the neuroscience of attention affect nearly every aspect of our capacity to live good lives? How can we harness tech as a tool to help our brains be more, rather than less present and aware? What do psychedelics and neuroscience have to do with each other, and how might both work together to profoundly improve our experience of life?These are a few of the questions today’s guest, Adam Gazzaley, has spent researching for decades, and continues to immerse himself in today. Adam is a neuroscientist, inventor, author, photographer, entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder and executive director of Neuroscape, and the David Dolby Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Physiology, and Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He is also the co-Founder and Chief Science Advisor of Akili Interactive, JAZZ Venture Partners, and Sensync, and has authored over 150 scientific articles and delivered over 675 talks. And, he is also a stunningly accomplished nature photographer and artist