Good Life Project || Inspiration | Motivation | Happiness | Meaning | Success

Reimagining Relationships | Expert Panel



Would it surprise you to learn that the depth and quality of your relationships is the single biggest determinant of a life well-lived? Well, that’s what one of the longest-running studies on human flourishing, the Grant study, showed. But, chances are, you don’t need data to believe that. You just need to look at your life, and the lives of those around you. Having genuinely open, kind, honest, vulnerable, loving relationships make simply makes life better. And, over the years, we’ve had the opportunity to sit down with many of the leading voices, researchers, and thought-leaders on the topic. To ask them about their experience, insights, awakenings, and strategies. And, today, we’re sharing a powerful relationship roundup with you. We’ll hear about a reimagining of family as a more expansive chosen family of friends and community with Mia Birdsong. We’ll explore how Buddhism’s four noble truths can both guide and transform long-term, loving partnerships with Susan Piver. We’ll discover both the magic a