D&d Sports Chat

EPISODE #141: D&D Sports Chat



On tonight's show, we will dissect the "snooze fest" that was Super Bowl LIII and where this win ranks the New England Patriots in regards to overall sports history. Also, we'll discuss the Detroit Pistons trade of Stanley Johnson and acquisition of Thon Maker from the Milwaukee Bucks and where this trade currently puts the Pistons as far as a serious playoff push goes. We will give our thoughts on the Detroit Red Wings recent winning streak and in today's NHL news, with Brian Boyle being traded to the Nashville Predators for a 2nd round draft pick, it begs the question who the Wings could move to also receive a 2nd round pick?! Finally, we'll talk Michigan/MSU basketball and wrap things up with a new "Open Thoughts" segment. All this and much more so kick back, relax and enjoy the show!!!