Beyond The Routine

The Paste Eater



Jones hurt himself in a pasture. Chris has an Idaho adventure. Internet giants are cracking down on hate speech. AMD lowering the entry level to VR. 17,000k for a smart phone? Snapchat grows larger. Prime is going month to month. Tesla will charge for super charging in Model 3. The Zombie uprising is not starting but brain dead folks may come back to life. Elon Musk sending people to Mars by 2025. Stupid movies keep getting made. Captain Marvel taking shape. Jake Gyllenhaal loves Ubisoft movies. Rogue 1 is getting reshoots. Cavs and Warriors are repeating. Chris bets Dave despite the Cavs seeming to be the underdogs. China creates parking spaces since women canâ??t drive. All Win mentality is turning our kids into entitled wussies. The Bern stain bears prove that we live in a parallel universe. And More!!