
#154 – Cora Matheson, Kararina Hatzinakos, and Mark Kreder from The Spur-Of-The-Moment Shakespeare Collective's Shakespeare in Hospitals



The Spur-Of-The-Moment Shakespeare Collective (SOTMSC) was founded in 2010 by Victoria Urquhart and Sean Horbatiuk, to cultivate a community of emerging artists with a shared interest in Shakespeare and community engagement.Annually the SOTMSC performs "Shakespeare in Hospitals". A project that is exactly what it sounds like: we create new shows, using Shakespeare’s words, designed specifically to bring to patients in hospitals across the GTA, like Mount Sinai, Sunnybrook and CAMH and more, at no charge to the hospitals or the patients.The SOTMSC continues to grow and develop projects in 2018 under the mandate of: Establishing and cultivating community engagement in areas in and around Toronto experiencing isolation based on economic, social, and physical barriers. Our mission statement is to marry classical text, contemporary performance, and audience interaction to invite and encourage people to engage with their community. Instagram: @shakespur Twitter: @shakespur