Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast

Dr. Richard Quinttus on Oral Systemic Balance



Please join me for this month’s Expert Interview as I invite Dr. Richard Quinttus to speak to us about Oral Systemic Biology (OSB) therapy. There are a number of different dental/orthodontic techniques to not only align our teeth, but also to improve our breathing passageways by widening our upper and lower jaws. After hearing about OSB, it sounded almost too good to be true. In this teleseminar, Dr. Quinttus reveals: - How poor breathing due to narrowed upper airway breathing can lead to or aggravate anxiety, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, snoring, sleep apnea, forward head posture, and constant throat clearing. - How to optimize breathing by allowing the relationship between the tongue, jaw, throat and spone to balance. - How this device aids the tongue in moving forward - How you can find an Oral Systemic Balance practitioner near you - And much, much more…