Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

"Lebanon's Chernobyl" John Haller's Prophecy Update



From a warehouse fire to the ignition of fireworks, to a blast of 2750 Tons of ammonium nitrate, theories abound as to the cause of the blast that leveled a part of the Port of Beirut this past week.  Many questions remain unanswered, as to who was storing the chemical, it's intended purpose, whether or not it was a strategic strike by Israel, and a variety of other wild and crazy theories.  As usual, John addresses these theories with a clear mind and sensible analysis of what is known, while tying in the geopolitical maneuvering occurring by Turkey, China, Qatar, Iran and a variety of other players with less than honorable intentions in the region.  Hold fast...things are happening quicker than we can report but we know that He is still in charge and He will hold those accountable who are not called by His name.Democrats have War Game on upcoming Presidential Election & Succession of California, Oregon & Washington State could lead to Civil War.Hezbollah Ammo dump is the most likely cause of th