Peer 2 Peer Real Estate's Podcast

Show 210: My 1st Real Estate Deal Featuring William Morales



The First One : What do I mean by that? It was my first Real Estate Deal! Back in September 2017.That’s when I made my first property investment, before that I had invested in Reits and my Employer had also real estate stocks which I invested in. So what was this purchase? It was a single family property in Pennsylvania. Below are bullet points on my step by step purchase.Beginning Steps Looked online using The property I was interested in was on the market for about 90-100 days or soTalked to the realtor about the property, which was banked owned.My goal was to purchase with cash.Explained to realtor my goal of purchasing, and re-selling with myself carrying the note.Made an offer of $8,000 cash for the 3 bed- 2 bath single family, bank said no. property was being sold for $27,000Realtor was amazing (no longer in business) he took pictures, and videos, I never went there.Two weeks later realtor called and said if my offer still stands, I said yes.Now the fun begins, since there are rules in plac