Living Your Life With Lianne Laing

Spiritual Psychologist Cherie Burton On Woman Seeking Wholeness



So often I hear from woman who are going through transformation- looking to find themselves, be healthier, engage in more meaningful relationships, remove the limiting beliefs and the roadblocks that seem to turn up at every corner - And even If we are strong, powerful woman, why is it that sometimes we feel disconnected, empty and incomplete.Cherie Burton is a pioneering spiritual psychologist whose evolutionary "STAND SPEAK SHINE" method transforms women into authentically embodied and empowered feminine leaders. As a mother of six, author, international speaker and host of "The Women Seeking Wholeness Podcast" she is passionately driven to guide women to heal, express and create, using the “new feminine leadership paradigm.”I also get, from this intro that it would seem life has been nothing but rainbows and unicorns for this former beauty queen. However, for decades, she battled feelings of shame, insignificance & depression. She comes from a family pedigree riddled with addiction & mental il