Post To Post Wrestling

Final(?) Battle. New Contracts, Day 1 and Controlled Narratives!!



YO YO!! Its the Post to Post crew coming in with another banger this week! Come join us as we break down the final(?) FINAL BATTLE of RoH, the matches, the happenings, the fall out and more! We also dive into some WWE news and signings, AEW goss and some NJPW bidness as well!   This one is a good listen and it is the last show of Grayson's for a while due to a familial addition, so tune in and interact on the socials! Give the boy a nice congrats and send off while he takes Legends Paternity leave hahaha! Anywho follow where all the finest podcasts are found! Give us a like and sub on all the socials and shoot us an email if you like! email: FB: @post2post_wrestling IG: @post2post_podcast Twitter: @post_wrestling