Defeat The Drama At Work With Kirsten E. Ross | Work Drama | Life Strategies | Family Business | Communication | Leadership

EP 210  Family Business  4 Key Questions  - Clarify these to Resolve some Conflict



EP 210  Family Business  4 Key Questions  - Clarify these to Resolve some Conflict In more than 20 years of working with Family Business the most intense emotions arise around 4 basic topics. There are nuances, yes, but as I look back they all fit in these categories. Sometimes this challenges land in more than one spot 2 Key Goals - Always Profitable Business Healthy Family A real life example:  From the family of 6 Next Gen who unexpectedly inherited the business – 2 working in 4 not – building resentment – all had = decision making 2 working in – building resentment – 4 not  – benefitting financially w/o work – decisions driven by the size of their checks. Who does the work of the business – 2 Who makes decisions – 6 Who owns – 6 Who benefits – 6 Harder to Achieve if Conversations Happen During….. Crisis Conflict 4 Key Questions to Answer for  ~ Now & Later ~ Who Does the Work of the Business? Who Makes Decisions for the Business? Who Owns the Business? Who Benefits Financially? Friction can happ