Hatha Yoga Pradipika Recitation

II 28 - Recitation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika 28th verse of the 2nd chapter



28th verse, 2nd chapter of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika recited by Sukadev Bretz from Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany: धात्विन्द्रियान्तःकरणप्रसादं दधाच् च कान्तिं दहनप्रदीप्तम् । अशेषदोषोपचयं निहन्याद् अभ्यस्यमानं जलबस्तिकर्म ॥२८॥ ___ simplified transcription: dhatv indriya antahkarana prasadan dadhach cha kantim dahana pradiptam | ashesha doshopachayam nihanyad abhyasyamanam jala basti karma ||28|| Pl