Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Grace Hill: Hope Against Hope ⇢ 01: A Protest Against Suffering



THIS EPISODE:Many of us have endured seasons of life when hope seemed thin or failing altogether. Seasons filled with such sorrow, loss, doubt or suffering that it seems the forces of evil might actually be greater than the forces for good.But they are not. And there is a truer, deeper hope to be found in the middle of the suffering. Advent embraces the mess, the pain, the uncertainty of suffering, and still draws us into a depth of hope that transcends anything our human experience can offer.“If only... So that... Yet Lord...” Ann Voskamp says it this way: “You can’t lose hope, because Hope has a name and His name is Jesus.” Let's begin unpacking this and more in today's message…___PRIMARY TEXT:—Isaiah 64:1-9 (CSB)—If only you would tear the heavens open and come down, so that mountains would quake at your presence —2 just as fire kindles brushwood, and fire boils water —to make your name known to your enemies, so that nations would tremble at your presence! 3 When you did awesome works that we did not expec