Spirit Source Connect: Infusing Spirit To Transform Your Life

EP. 2 Holiday Episode - Conscious Consumerism #2



Originally Broadcast on a live radio show in 2008, from Spirit Quest Radio, this content still has value, and now more than ever. We must continue to adjust our lifestyles for the betterment of humanity and our planet Earth!  There are four parts to this program, and this is Part 2. Stay tuned in your app, on this page, or wherever you're hearing this, for the next episodes. Enjoy! ---- The Holiday Season is upon us, and with it comes more purchasing, gift-buying, and participation in consumerism. These are the ways we've been taught, but the Earth is changing and our consuming habits need to change as well. If you are thinking about how you can participate more consciously and looking for a way to make changes in your life this Christmas, this podcast will help guide you.  Every year millions of consumers buy and then throw-away tons of products.  By following a few simple guidelines, you can "tread more lightly" on the earth for this, and every Holiday Season. Enjoy! Originally Broadcast live on December 1,