Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Lou Jones - skills, slides & survival



My name is Andrew Walmsley and your listening to episode 163 of photography insights.  This is the show that interviews people from the photography world. This interview is one I had been really looking forward to as well, so let me tell you why.  First of Lou Jones was recommended by Paula Tognarelli and as the ex-head at Griffin museum, she knows a talent when she sees one.  So after reaching out we had a brief chat weeks before the discussion you will hear.  Lou is such an interesting guy and time just flew by, so I apologise for the length of this one.  I was going to split in to 2 episodes but seemed stupid so take your time with this one.  It was actually too hard to cut, the beginning of our chat lay the foundations for who Lou is and we escalate through his career and experiences (through still film and the digital world).  The thing is Lou has worked for many big names like Time/Life, National Geographic and other Fortune 500 companies, he's wrote many books, trave