James Madison Center for Civic Engagement: Democracy Matters

Episode 93: Advocating Democracy in Africa



More sub-Saharan Africans live under fully or partially authoritarian states today than at most points in the last two decades. In its 2021 report, Freedom House rated only eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa as free. Of these eight, half are small island states. The number of African countries that Freedom House rated "not free" grew from a low of 14 in 2006 and 2008 to 20 in 2021. Among sub-Saharan countries considered "partially free," increasingly populist governments are suppressing opposition groups, postponing elections, eliminating term limits, and abusing human rights to maintain power. In this episode, Tamara White, a research and project assistant in the Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institution, joins us to discuss the state of democracy in Africa. See the show notes with links mentioned in this episode at https://j.mu/news/civic/2021/12-01-democracy-matters-episode-93.shtml