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Pivoting the Perception of What You Do | Ep #86



What happens when you get hired for one job, but the people you work with start seeing you as something else? It happens all the time. You're hired to come in to be a strategic communicator and the work suddenly shifts to all tactical all the time. When you're not being brought into the room where things happen, you aren't able to be part of the strategic planning of the narrative. On a more personal note, when the narrative of your role is being told by others, you may not be positioned at the level you were hired to perform. In this episode, Angee shares a few ways to have the right conversations with the right people to make sure the narrative of what you do is on track so your career isn't derailed early in your tenure with an organization. It's not going to work to just whine about how you're not being perceived as strategic. You have to put facts -- not feelings -- on the table so that others can help shape the narrative of what you do so that everyone benefits from your ability to operate at the right