Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Dr. John Littell on the Summit - Ep. 35



So, I’ve been away from the podcast for most of 2021. There are a million reasons for this, including but not limited to: a move across country, in which I escaped communist Oregon permanently for the relative freedom of Florida; a new almost full time gig with a national outlet researching critical race theory in schools and colleges across America; and starting a new homestead that will be the subject of future podcast episodes and articles. So lots of huge changes, all of which are positive, but all of which consume an immense amount of time. For now, I have several new interviews lined up that will yield some very important articles. I can’t say I’ll be back on a regular schedule with my podcast, but I will do my best to get episodes out as often as possible. So I’m back this week with Episode 35. This episode is the result of my attendance at the Florida Covid Summit on November 6 that featured all of the main physicians involved in the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance. The organizers of the FLCCC