Arts Extract

Digital Warmth S1 E1: Joshua Jenquin



Digital Warmth is a new podcast created by Jordan Cohen of @chantssound and presented by Tone Madison. Welcome to the first episode. Joshua Jenquin is an accomplished drummer, producer, and DJ. Topics include Wisconsin rave history, Addict Records, laughing while vomiting, being named-checked by Dominick Fernow, Swayze, getting kicked out of a town in Germany, and melding live playing with electronic music. I wanted to talk to Joshua because the way he combines drumming and electronic production in different ways inspired me, way back in MySpace days before I had made any records. I also saw him do an all-vinyl drum & bass DJ set that blew me away, and wanted to put together the pieces that I’d gathered about his musical history. Follow Digital Warmth on Twitter: Reach out at Subscribe: