Tutti Matti Per L'italiano!

Search 9+ Avatar image All the ways to learn Italian with la Studentessa Matta



Ciao a tutti! Benvenuti al mio canale. Sono la studentessa matta. Welcome to the Youtube channel. I’m the crazy student of Italian. I'm home again after spending seven weeks in Italy. I got my Italy fix and loved spending time in my happy place! To hear about some of my adventures and learn recent updates on the blog and the new Matta "Let's go to Italy!" Small group language programs that I'm organizing for next year—and all the learning opportunities available through the www.StudentessaMatta.com website, Italian Homestays, Conversation Practice, and the schools and individuals with whom I partner so that I can bring you discounts and small gifts…. listen to this podcast. All transcripts in Italian and English available on the Studentessa Matta Website https://www.studentessamatta.com/learn-italian-studentessa-matta-immersion-trips-homestay-language-vacation-affiliates-discounts-conversation-practice-improve-listening-youtube-video-chat/