Blue Streak Science Podcast

053: March For Science



As scientists and people who value science we are too often reluctant to brave the maelstrom of politics. It drains us of energy and time, resources that are in everlastingly short supply. We value our reputations as open-minded and neutral arbiters for evidence, so taking sides on political issues just doesn't feel right. But why does the current situation make us so angry and unnerved? It distresses us because we are passionate about science! As scientists and scientific thinkers we understand that we must be dispassionate about the data. However, that requisite detachment is limited only to the evidence. Science itself, the vocation, the way of thinking, the calling, permeates our lives and our existence. If there ever was anything worthy of fighting for it is science and reason. Here's our chance to get out of the lab and on to the streets. On Earth Day, 22 April will be the March For Science. Mark you calendars and make your reservations early. It's game on! The main march will be held in Washington,