Topher Wiles

Micah's Tough Questions



Click "Play" to hear a Message Minute.Download the Podcast here: Google Music, iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, mp3Good morning, this is Topher from Washington Church of Christ, bringing you a positive Message Minute.  I have a wonderful three year old son.  Here's a brief introduction to Micah's little voice.**Micah sings a portion of "Jesus Loves Me"**When Micah isn't singing faith filled and fun songs, he likes to ask questions.  Questions such as, "Why is the excavator there?"  "Why are we going to the store?"  "Why do we need a jacket?"  "Why does the dog use the bathroom?" The questions never end and I try to answer, not because Micah needs my knowledge, but because he needs to know I care.  Jesus too asks a lot of difficult questions in the gospels, and I think we need to try to answer, not because he needs our knowledge, but because we need to show that we care.  Questions such as, "Where is your faith?" (Luke 8:22-25), "What do you seek?" (J