Gospel Saving Church

270 - In Truth I Perceive That God Shows No Partiality



Overview – In Truth I Perceive That God Shows No Partiality. Acts 10:29-48. In our sermon today, we cover many different ideas, for there are many different ideas found in the text we study over today. Below is a list of just some of them: 1) God’s preparing the heart of His kid to be able to do a certain kind of work for Him. 2) Can a person attain eternal life apart from Jesus Christ? 3) Was the cross of Christ really a cross, and exactly what Jesus Christ did for us by dying on it? 4) What part water baptism plays in a person’s salvation. 5) And of course, God showing no partiality, and what that means, in context of course. So in this message, I go into and talk about all of these points, plus a few more that I did not list above, so if you’ve wondered about any of these topics that I’ve mentioned, please come and take a listen to this message and learn the Word of God the way it was and is meant to be learned, for that is why I am here, to teach the Word of God. So, may God bless you as you diligentl