Gospel Saving Church

275 - Herod's War On The Church



Overview - Herod's War On The Church. Acts 12:1-19. In our message today, we examine another wave of persecution against Christ Jesus’ church, a wave of persecution or war, this time not brought against them by the Jews, but by the Romans. It’s actually the Roman king Herod, a lesser or smaller king to Emperor Caesar, that he put in charge of the Judean area in Israel. And he is inspired to harass the church and does so in some pretty outrageous, and heinous ways. In what way does Herod go to war against Christ’s church? What inspires Herod to go to war? Do his enemies fight back, and if so, how? I cover all of these concepts and more in this message titled, “Herod’s War On The Church”, so come and take a listen and be encouraged and edified in Jesus Christ. (some very valuable and tactical information for Christians in this message on the concept of the war we are in today). May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you seek Him diligently. Pastor Ed