Gospel Saving Church

285 - He Had Faith To Be Healed



Overview - He Had Faith To Be Healed. Acts 14:8-20. In our message today we read of Paul in a new city preaching the Gospel, and as has happened many times, as he is preaching, a couple special events take place. 1st - a crippled man who has never taken a step, from the time he was born until this day Paul is preaching, is listening to Paul’s message about Jesus Christ, the Saviour and great healer, and he has the faith to be healed, and so Paul commands him to stand up and walk, and he does. What an amazing miraculous healing this was. It was so amazing that it causes the 2nd special event to happen. His miraculous healing draws the attention of some local religious people who, after the miracle, come and start to worship Paul and Barnabas because they believe them to be their Greek gods come down in human form. A crazy outing for Paul and Barnabas for sure, but what can we learn from these events and what transpires after? Come and take a listen and find out. May the Lord God of Heaven and earth bless